Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority(CA)

Knoldus Blogs

Every operation in Hyperledger must be signed cryptographically with certificates. You can generate certificates yourself using OpenSSL or by using third party. Before moving further into details of CA lets first explore Hyperledger Fabric a little. đŸ˜‰

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric founded in 2015 which is an umbrella for open source projects some of which are Blockchain Distributed Ledger Frameworks such as Fabric, Sawtooth and Iroha. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain, means that parties that join the network are authenticated to participate on network. It reduces security risks and display records to only to the parties involved. It provides:

  • Data Privacy
  • Information Sharing
  • Immutability

That was a concise description about Hyperledger Fabric. Now, lets explore importance of Hyperledger Fabric CA.

Fabric Certificate Authority (CA)

Fabric CA is a tool through which you can generate certificates. Let say you have 10 users then, 10 certificates get generated…

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