Scala Clippy : Why no one is talking about?

Knoldus Blogs

Scala Clippy : The Helping Hand

Hi all, I am back with another blog. This one is really interesting. As a developer, we usually come across many types of compilation errors some take a hard time to rectify it. This is what we require Scala Clippy. Scala Clippy provides a human-friendly explanation to some of the common errors that we make. Let’s take a simple example,


Now these type of errors is presented like this when we use Scala Clippy:


Now you may be wondering how these errors are identified and we get advice related to it.

Simple, these are provided by the Scala community. If you visit their official website Scala Clippy where you can find a tab “Contribute”. Under that, we can post our own errors. These errors are parsed first, and when successful we can add our advice which will be reviewed and if accepted it…

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